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Domain Hunter Plus - Our Gift To Link Builders

Not everyone builds links. Those of us who do know how laborious it can be and how any productivity hacks or efficiency improvements can seem like major victories. Enter Domain Hunter Plus.

We worked with the folks over at Netvantage Marketing to create a Chrome extension that makes link building and finding high quality domains a whole lot easier.

Try it for yourself

You can download the extension from the DHP website.

Once you've got it installed you'll find the DHP logo located to the right of your URL address bar. Now navigate to a directory page or a site with a big list of links that are in your niche (so for example, let's say you have a home business that sells health supplements you might find a page like this -

Click the DHP logo and then select "Start Scan" to search for outbound links that return errors (you know, 404s, 405s, timeouts, etc.). The interface will show you a list of results and a set of numbers next to them. Each link that reports an error will let you know if the domain is available or taken. The numbers correspond with the number of links to that page and the links to the domain that page is on (according to SEOmoz's Linkscape API).

If you're looking to buy another domain to launch a micro site or more alternative herb products (like the connoisseurs on the link above) you can snap up the one that appears to have the best links by simply clicking the check box next to an available domain and selecting "Register". This will take you directly to where you can buy the domain. If you want to check on the quality of the links, click on the number and it opens up Open Site Explorer in a new tab within Chrome and you can explore the page/domain's backlinks in further detail. Domain hunting made simple!

domain hunter plus screen shot

For link builders, these tools are also incredibly powerful. If your site is a direct competitor to a link on the above page the backlinks pointing to that dead page/domain are your ticket to gaining more links! If you have an SEOmoz account, you can pull up to 10,000 backlinks to a page or domain and every single one of those pages that links to the dead page or domain that Domain Hunter Plus has found is now a potential target for gaining a backlink. Send them a courteous message about how you happened to come across a dead link on their site and when they respond to you kindly ask if they'd be interested in adding a listing to your very similar page or site. Many people in the SEO/link building industry refer to this as the reciprocity method or broken link building. Regardless of what you call it, it's effective and DHP just made it a whole lot easier!

If you want to learn more, here are some useful links: